Eulàlia Borrut has developed her creativity in two complementing areas: her job as the creator of new areas (Interior designer for the Escola Llotja in Barcelona) and her vocation for the purest artistic creativity (stemming from her Degree in the Fine Arts for the Universitat de Barcelona).
In the former, as a profession, she has promoted human spaces and, especially of late, mainly museums, to which she contributed her capability of devising new universes by means of the most advanced multi-media technology.
In the latter, her career has been long and non-stop, always immersed in the complexity of the deepest thoughts about the Being and Nature, an inner sight which analyses what it means to be human and an outward view, contemplative, towards a nature which is nothing but a projection of the most intimate and untransferable perceptions.


Even Eulàlia Borrut’s beginning steps as an artist were already a huge success. She won several contests, she took part in collective exhibitions in very different locations and she received a grant which helped her define herself as an artist (a grant from the Fundació Güell). She planted there the seeds of a work that has never stopped to evolve, yet with stages of more or less creative intensity. Her passion for her profession as an interior designer has led her to periods when she put aside the creation with canvasses and fabrics, pencils and paints.
But now she is back to prove that her creative journey has been worth the while, as hard-work and perseverance have guided her to a mature creativity which is ground-breaking and goes beyond any possible classifications. The great artist within her is growing now with medium- and large-sized works where her creative pulse finds a moment of splendour. Her small-sized works are like jewels due to their neatness and the powerful portrayal of her inner worlds. And all of that without ever losing her complex, light and multifaceted personality.

© Eulàlia Borrut Casas. All rights reserved.
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